Caring For Your Pet
Having a pet is a huge responsibility. Please consult with your veterinarian concerning your pet needs.
- An annual physical exam for your pet; twice a year for pets over seven years old
- Annual vaccinations (see below for vaccination recommendations)
- Having a stool (fecal) sample checked for worms and parasites annually
- Spaying or neutering
- Dentals as needed
- Weight control as needed
- Diagnostic testing for pets over seven years old and as needed
- And love and exercise for the pet.
Canine Vaccinations
- Canine vaccinations start at 6 weeks of age
- We do not vaccinate pregnant or sick animals
- Required by law in Michigan at four months of age;can be given as early as 3 months
- Booster required one year after first rabies booster
- Subsequently boostered every three years
- Initial series include 2-4 injections
- Start vaccinations as soon as weaned (six weeks of age)
- Annual boosters required after initial series
- DHPP Vaccine (protects against Canine Distemper, Infectious Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, and Parvo Virus)
- Bordetella Vaccine (required for boarding)
- Lyme Disease and Giardia Vaccines (recommended for outdoor dogs)
- Viral disease, highly contagious to dogs
- Signs—nasal or eye discharge, cough, no appetite
- Takes 4-6 weeks to run its course
- May develop nervous system signs (convulsions, twitches)
- Treatment is not successful in late stages
- Wait thirty days before getting another dog
- Disinfect with Clorox (4oz/gal water)
- Serious viral disease that affects liver, kidneys, lymph nodes, eyes, and other organs
- High fever, loss of appetite, tonsillitis, bloody diarrhea
- Highly contagious
- IV fluids are required to treat
- Similar to “Kennel Cough”
- Viral disease, highly contagious
- Spread through feces of infected dog
- Signs—vomiting, diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, dehydration
- Prognosis depends somewhat on age of dog—more severe in young puppies
- IV fluids often required for several days to recover
- Disinfect with Clorox (4oz/gal water)
CORONA VIRUS: (needed for younger dogs only)
- Viral disease, highly contagious
- Intestinal infection resulting in diarrhea, vomiting, and depression
- Spread through feces of infected dog
- Treatment same as Parvo Virus
- Does not need to be boostered in older dogs
- Often called “Kennel Cough”
- Persistent, dry, hacking cough
- Highly contagious among dogs
- May last 4-6 weeks
- Not the only cause of “Kennel Cough”
- Tick-borne disease
- Cannot be directly transmitted to humans or other pets
- Severe pain, lameness, lethargy, loss of appetite, depression, arthritis
- Also affects the heart, brain, and kidneys
- Treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics
- Caused by parasite often found in water
- Diarrhea, weight loss; (severe abdominal pain and cramping in humans)
- Possibility of transmission to humans
- Not easily treated
Feline Vaccinations
- Felines start vaccines at 8-10 weeks of age
- Initial series is 2-3 injections
- Annual boosters required after initial series
PCRP (protects against Feline Panleukopenia, Feline Calicivirus, Feline Rhinotracheitis, and Feline Pneumonitis)
- Commonly known as Feline Distemper
- Serious viral disease, highly contagious
- Severe vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration
- Fever, excess salivation, mouth or tongue ulcers
- Viral respiratory disease
- Profuse discharge from eyes and nose
- Most severe in small kittens
- Respiratory infection resembling rhinotracheitis
- Caused by Chlamydia psittaci organism
- Can by complicated by associated bacterial infections
- Caused by a virus that may lead to cancer
- Highly contagious to other cats
- Unable to resist other diseases
- Should be tested before initiating vaccination program
- Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) often tested with FeLV (Feline version of H.I.V.)
- Often called “Kennel Cough”
- Persistent, dry, hacking cough
- Highly Contagious
About Parasites and Worms
- Advise routine fecal exam every 12 months (not critical for indoor cats)
- Pups can be born with worms or become infected from nursing
- Start deworming pups at four weeks of age
- Dogs and cats do NOT have pinworms (people do not get pinworms from pets)
- Known as Roundworms
- Long, round, look like spaghetti, often curl up
- Seen primarily in young animals
- Can cause visceral larval migrans in people
- ¼ the size of the head of a pin
- Blood suckers, causing anemia
- Can cause bloody diarrhea
- Can be fatal to young pups
- Can cause rash in humans
- Large intestinal worm
- Environmentally resistant egg
- Contract from ingesting eggs
- Causes weight loss, diarrhea, anemia
- Disinfect area where dog defecates daily
- Short, flat segments (like rice or cucumber seeds)
- Can get from ingesting fleas
- Can get from ingesting birds, rabbits, rodents—primary cause in U.P.
- Must find segments in stool sample to diagnose
- Eggs not usually found on fecal exam
- Treatment requires special type of medication
- Transmission to people rare
- Spread by mosquito
- Causes death from heart failure
- Coughing, weight loss, tiring on exercise
- Test once a year, even if on preventative if in epidemic area
- Can start prevention at 3-4 months of age
- Not transmittable to people
- 90% of life cycle is OFF the pet
- Major flea control involves treating house and yard
- Recommend Vectra for dogs and Frontline for cats for prevention and treatment
- Recommend Vectra for dogs and Frontline for cats for prevention and treatment
- Recommend Lyme vaccine
- Many types, must bring to clinic for skin scraping diagnosis
- Sarcoptic Mange—contagious to other animals and people
- Demodectic Mange (“Red Mange”)—can be contagious to other pets (usually not to normal adult dogs) and to humans in small amounts
Surgical Recommendations
- Surgeries done Monday-Fridays on varying days. Dentals done on specified days.
- No food after 8:00 PM the night before surgery or dental cleanings
- Do not restrict water
- Food and water should be restricted after surgery for 8-12 hours and then only small amounts at a time for the first 24 hours, to prevent nausea and vomiting
- Non-dissolvable sutures are removed in 10-14 days at no charge, unless sedation is needed or surgery was done at a different veterinary clinic
- Pre-anesthetic blood-work is strongly recommended.
- Always some risk involved
- Best to do before first estrus (“heat”)—about 5-6 months of age
- If nursing, prefer to wait 3-4 weeks after weaning pups so milk dries up
- Extra charge if “in heat” or pregnant
- Stays overnight
- Sutures out in 10-14 days, no charge
- Restrict activity for 2 weeks
- Does not cause animal to become fat or lazy
- Any time after 5 months of age in both cats and dogs
- Does not cause animal to become fat or lazy
- Helps prevent later tumors and prostate problems in dogs
- Usually stops fighting, spraying, and strong urine odor in cats
- Sutures, if used, are dissolvable
- Can go home same day if surgery is done in the morning
- Has to stay overnight if animal has cryptorchid
- Recommended age—3-5 days
- Will not be done after 5 days old
- Dewclaws are routinely removed at the same time
- Dewclaws can be removed on older animals, but it is considered surgery